Wednesday, September 22, 2010

0 to 5 in almost 5 months

Total weight gain/loss: I seriously need to buy a scale. I can say that Im definitely making progress. I went to put on my regular work pants, which I havent been able to button in a while, but can still fit into them. Well not anymore, I couldnt get them past my knees today. It was very frustrating bc my maternity pants were dirty, so i nearly had a nervous breakdown. I had a few pairs of pants that i was planning on "growing into" that a coworker gave me. I had no other choice but to wear them, and surprisingly they fit like a glove. It was bittersweet.
Sleeping: Started feeling real drowsy again in the middle of the day. Ive gone back to taking naps before work. Im more comfortable on the couch than in my bed. I toss and turn in the bed.
Best Moment this week: We bought a crib for the babys room! Jonny cant wait to set it up, its beautiful. I cant wait to walk by the room and see a nursery instead of an empty room with a can of paint on the floor.
Any Movement: Tons, its been everyday, all hours of the day. Its still feels like flitters, not a foot or a fist or anything like that.
Cravings: Nothing unusual, I sure do have an appetite though. I usually bring 2 dinners to work with me.
What I miss: I know its selfish, but i hope one day i can fit back into my juniors 0's. Otherwise my preteen cousins are in for a generous donation from my closet.
What Im looking forward to: 8 weeks off of work
Things that have changed: My house has gone from an organized somewhat stylish clean home, to a smelly, (dog) hairy cluttered mess....and I really dont care.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can I request bedrest?

17 Weeks and 4 Days
I cannot get comfortable, at ALL. I feel like I need extra oxygen to breathe. It reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Peter starts the Fat guy club and they all are wobblying into the meeting, wheezing for air....thats me, except im not fat I just feel like I am. Seriously though, I get all huffy having to do simple tasks like getting up from a chair. I feel like I eat food faster than Tootsie does. Im only comfortable laying down. On top of my miserableness I have to work 52 hours this week, I havent done an hour of OT in 5 months, Im not looking forward to this at all. Hopefully I can keep myself awake and not get sick, fingers crossed.

Total weight gain/loss: Hmmm. I havent weighed myself in 2 weeks.
Sleeping: Sux!!!. I wake up every hour to pee or roll around. I cant sleep in the daylight anymore which sux bc I dont go to bed until 3 or later.
Best Moment this week: I felt the baby moving around on Saturday for the first time, and every day since then. Poor Jon wants to know what it feels like but I really cant explain it....a flutter or touched with a feather? Its like a twitch in my belly? Thats the best description I can give.
Any Movement: Yessss!
Cravings: BLT's I ate a whole package of bacon in 3 days, Im obsessed.
What I miss: Hot hot showers and hot hot baths.
What Im looking forward to: Setting up the baby's room, its painted but thats it.
Things that have changed: My belly button, its gross looking. Its yucky and HUGE. I think they should invent a little glass window to replace the plug looking thing.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

15 Weeks and 5 days!

Okay heres the update

Total weight gain/loss: after a successful food crawl I weighed in + 2.8 lbs
Sleeping: Starting to suck. I wake up alot to pee in the middle of the night and I feel like I need the whole bed to get comfortable.
Best Moment this week: Probably the 30 minute foot massage Jon gave me Monday night. It was awesome, there was peppermint lotion involved. I started drooling in the first 2 minutes. I think the best part was that when it was done I didnt have to reciprocate. It was a no strings attached footrub, the best kind. Close second would be my mothers home cooked dinner on monday.
Any Movement: I dont think so,  im pretty sure its just gas
Cravings: Well I realized that theres something wrong with the fact that everyday for the past 4 months Ive gone to Orange Julius for a mango smoothie. There friggin 5 bucks a wack! But theyre so worth it. I guess thats my only "craving"
What I miss: Nothing yet, but i will miss little Tootsie girl sitting on my lap. I love it when she curls up with me on the couch, but 45lbs is starting to get heavy on my lap, soon she'll be resting her head on a huge belly!
What Im looking forward to: Definitley more footrubs!
Things that have changed: I cant wait for the weather to get cool again. This 95 degree heat wave is making me real bitchy.

Stay tuned.....belly bump pictures are coming!