Wednesday, December 08, 2010

I cant believe theres ONLY 11 weeks left!

Total weight gain/loss: 30 lbs. total!
Sleeping: No problems in this department, I sleep like a baby...and then when I wake up me and my girlfriend (Toots magoots) take naps together on the couch everyday before work.
Best Moment this week: Well its been a while since my last post, so the best moment this month, wouldve been my couples pregnancy massage class. I loved it. Jon learned a lot of techniques to help alleviate my discomfort.
Any movement: The baby is crawling around inside of me. You can see my entire stomach shift around like an alien trying to escape through my belly button.
Cravings: Bread.....its all i want, bread rolls and butter! I love it
Pregnancy signs: deformed belly button, leaky nipples, bloody noses. On a more recent note, my pelvis hurts sooooooooo bad. It feels like bone on bone, when I walk, stand, or lay down. Its excruciating!
What I miss: My old pain free body. I miss being able to go for walks with Tootsie everyday. But honestly theres no way I can anymore, between the pain in my groin, the shortness of breath, my daily naps and the 30 lbs I've put ass isnt walking anywhere.
What I'm looking forward to: I decided I want the birth videotaped. So my mother will be doing the honors for us. Im looking forward to having that. I watched "The business of being born" and I have a new outlook on the birth. Im looking forward to the experience, though Im sure I will regret saying that soon enough!
Things that have changed: TMI WARNING: Ive started feeling tons of pressure in my vagina area. It feels like a tampon is hanging out of me. So uncomfortable. When I get up in the morning and after I sit down for a bit. When I get up I literallly feel like the baby is going to fall out. Its so low, that I bet Jon could see the baby if he wanted to!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

25 Weeks and 3 Days...and friggin miserable

Total weight gain/loss: Havent had a weigh in.
Sleeping: Omfg its awful. Uncomfortable. And if I have to hear Jon complain one more time about how I keep him awake at night with my breathing and tossing & turning, Im going to tie him to the bed and set the house on fire. I get into bed and he'll wake up immediately, and ask me "whats wrong"...are you serious. I cant breath! Thats whats wrong. Also if one more person calls or texts me (or Jon, bc I am in the same bed as him, it wakes me up too!) at 7 o'clock in the morning, Im going to set your house on fire!
Best Moment this week: Nothing comes to mind.
Any movement: Yes, crazy movements, no Braxton-Hicks yet, I hear those are coming.
Cravings: Panera Bread and oatmeal, I have eaten 6 packages of oatmeal so far today and I plan on having 2 more when I get home.
Pregnancy signs: Bitchiness, exhaustion, this line that darkens everyday on my belly, my shirt hurts my nipples, I cant Not wear a bra anymore.
What I miss: Oh you'll love this, sneezing. Yes thats right I miss sneezing. It isnt what it used to be. Now when I sneeze urine falls out. WTF is that?
What I'm looking forward to: The chiropractor tomorrow and my haircut on thursday, and saturday, I think Im going to take the day off.
Things that have changed: My body, I feel like a stranger.

And Lastly, I leave you with my public service announcement: Keep in mind everyone, I still have PD. That hasnt gone away temporarily or cured itself! Not trying to 'play that card', but seriously nobody knows what Im going through, physically! I dont want anyones sympathy but a litttle empathy would be nice. Let me assure you, you have no clue what Im going through...its not like im on disability and all im doing is baking this baby, im also working full time. And yes I know that this struggle will only continue once the baby is born, but I CAN ask for help with that part. The pregnancy part though, kinda on my own with this.
Thank you, that is all!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

23 Weeks and 4 days!

Total weight gain/loss: My total weight gain from pre-pregnancy size is 21 lbs....Today I weighed in at 119 lbs.
Sleeping: Soo now I have leg cramps in the middle of the night, pretty much charlie horse in my calves. Also I never used to know exactly what acid reflux was, now I have three words to describe it: throw up burps! Sexy I know....dont be jealous.
Best Moment this week: Buying my maternity jeans. I used to think I am way to cool to wear those nana jeans with the elastic stretchy thing that you pull up to your bra. Well let me just say that I was a fool. They are the best damn thing ever invented. I wanna buy more!
Any movement: Crazy movements. Jon feels it all the time now. Its not uncomfortable yet, still feels cute.
Cravings: Bread, butter, broccoli, waffles, cup of noodles....I wouldnt say cravings but they are my recent indulgences lately.
Pregnancy signs: Nose bleeds. Every day. I have extremely bad shortness of breath. To the point where I seriously think I need an oxygen tank on wheels to carry around with me 24/7.
What I miss: Having money...this baby shit is expensive
What I'm looking forward to: I have something Im not looking forward to: my glucose test! I might not show up for it, i'll be honest. It involves bloodwork and i might faint, I think i need a tranquilizer for this. I am looking forward to the classes that Jonny and I signed up for at the hospital. We will be doing a tour of the labor and delivery room. A childbirth class which is 8 hours long. A pregnancy massage class which will be awesome, and newborn class.
Things that have changed: Nothing that I can think of.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Babies" the documentary

Im sorry Oprah, but you're crazy, this movie/documentary was nothing close to "A-maz-ing!"

I was horrified watching the babies in Namibia and Mongolia. I almost had to close my eyes in some parts because I was scared to death. For those that havent seen it, here are some highlights (Long!):

The Namibian mom wiped her baby's poo onto her leg and then brushed it off with some caveman tool. The worst part was the baby was allowed to chew on what looked like the bones of a decayed animal. I understand its not a developed part of the world, but the baby putting the bones in its mouth should not have been allowed, even in 3000 B.C.!

The worst scenes went to the Mongolian baby. I think the herd of cattle would have done a better job raising that child than that mother was doing. First of all i understand why the unsupervised infant was tied to the bed and left alone, this is so that monkeys cant come into the house and take the babies (which apparently happened recently in Malaysia) anyways. However, when the rooster jumped up on the bed I was praying I wouldnt see the rooster peck the (again unsupervised) baby to death in front of me. Now I also dont agree with tying the unsupervised few month old baby to the foot of the bed and leaving a roll of toilet paper within reach for the baby to eat.

How about when the baby was sitting in the bowl by the window and the cattle with the huge horns came up to the baby, I was petrified it was going to be mauled in front me. Or when the wobbly baby was standing on the tree stump, I just kept saying omg, omg, he's gonna fall backwards and break his neck, someone get him off there. Even the cattle new it was dumb, they came running over, im sure they were thinking "hello, put the camera down and get the baby off the stump". Finally the baby is left in a carriage in the meadow with nooone around and he's standing up. I had to turn my head bc my stomach was turning, and sure as shit the kid tips the carriage over and falls out! Where are these parents? And why did this cameraman not stop this?

Honest to God any concerns I may have had about not being able to provide for this baby or, not know what Im doing, went right out the window after seeing this!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Bitch Badge

I just have to get this off my chest. When I am laying on the couch with my feet up, with my 50 lbs doggie dead asleep on my lap, I am not getting up. Not unless the house is on fire or someone has a ham sandwich in their hands....thats it. So don't ring my doorbell...or say "Hey babe come here for a sec" or expect me to answer my phone that I left on the table....Bc I have a human being growing in my uterus and its being held in only by my skin....So as this entry is appropriately titled, I have earned my Bitch Badge.
Thank you!

Total weight gain/loss: I now weigh 114 lbs....thats 16 lbs gain from my pre pregnancy size!
Sleeping: Is the best thing ever, I wake up frequently to pee, as in 2-3 times a night, but I have no problem falling back to sleep lately.I think the giant U shaped pregnancy pillow that Jon bought me is the best gift ever!
Best Moment this week: Finding out that Jon is a normy and is not a carrier for the Parkin gene mutation that I have. This means that since the gene is autosomal recessive, our children will only be carriers. (They will get my mutated copy(bad kind) and Jons normal copy(good kind) and will be carriers(like my parents).
Any Movement: Jon felt the baby move on sunday!
Cravings: Lil Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies
What I miss: My clothes that fit. Im down to rotating out the 3 shirts I have left that fit.     
What Im looking forward to: Our baby shower....moms been talking to me about it and its so exciting!
Things that have changed: The name that we had picked out if its a girl. We were doing Leah for a girl, but we changed our minds....we're not saying what we picked, it'll be a surprise! And if its a boy, its still Cody.

Here is baby at 20 weeks!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

0 to 5 in almost 5 months

Total weight gain/loss: I seriously need to buy a scale. I can say that Im definitely making progress. I went to put on my regular work pants, which I havent been able to button in a while, but can still fit into them. Well not anymore, I couldnt get them past my knees today. It was very frustrating bc my maternity pants were dirty, so i nearly had a nervous breakdown. I had a few pairs of pants that i was planning on "growing into" that a coworker gave me. I had no other choice but to wear them, and surprisingly they fit like a glove. It was bittersweet.
Sleeping: Started feeling real drowsy again in the middle of the day. Ive gone back to taking naps before work. Im more comfortable on the couch than in my bed. I toss and turn in the bed.
Best Moment this week: We bought a crib for the babys room! Jonny cant wait to set it up, its beautiful. I cant wait to walk by the room and see a nursery instead of an empty room with a can of paint on the floor.
Any Movement: Tons, its been everyday, all hours of the day. Its still feels like flitters, not a foot or a fist or anything like that.
Cravings: Nothing unusual, I sure do have an appetite though. I usually bring 2 dinners to work with me.
What I miss: I know its selfish, but i hope one day i can fit back into my juniors 0's. Otherwise my preteen cousins are in for a generous donation from my closet.
What Im looking forward to: 8 weeks off of work
Things that have changed: My house has gone from an organized somewhat stylish clean home, to a smelly, (dog) hairy cluttered mess....and I really dont care.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can I request bedrest?

17 Weeks and 4 Days
I cannot get comfortable, at ALL. I feel like I need extra oxygen to breathe. It reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Peter starts the Fat guy club and they all are wobblying into the meeting, wheezing for air....thats me, except im not fat I just feel like I am. Seriously though, I get all huffy having to do simple tasks like getting up from a chair. I feel like I eat food faster than Tootsie does. Im only comfortable laying down. On top of my miserableness I have to work 52 hours this week, I havent done an hour of OT in 5 months, Im not looking forward to this at all. Hopefully I can keep myself awake and not get sick, fingers crossed.

Total weight gain/loss: Hmmm. I havent weighed myself in 2 weeks.
Sleeping: Sux!!!. I wake up every hour to pee or roll around. I cant sleep in the daylight anymore which sux bc I dont go to bed until 3 or later.
Best Moment this week: I felt the baby moving around on Saturday for the first time, and every day since then. Poor Jon wants to know what it feels like but I really cant explain it....a flutter or touched with a feather? Its like a twitch in my belly? Thats the best description I can give.
Any Movement: Yessss!
Cravings: BLT's I ate a whole package of bacon in 3 days, Im obsessed.
What I miss: Hot hot showers and hot hot baths.
What Im looking forward to: Setting up the baby's room, its painted but thats it.
Things that have changed: My belly button, its gross looking. Its yucky and HUGE. I think they should invent a little glass window to replace the plug looking thing.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

15 Weeks and 5 days!

Okay heres the update

Total weight gain/loss: after a successful food crawl I weighed in + 2.8 lbs
Sleeping: Starting to suck. I wake up alot to pee in the middle of the night and I feel like I need the whole bed to get comfortable.
Best Moment this week: Probably the 30 minute foot massage Jon gave me Monday night. It was awesome, there was peppermint lotion involved. I started drooling in the first 2 minutes. I think the best part was that when it was done I didnt have to reciprocate. It was a no strings attached footrub, the best kind. Close second would be my mothers home cooked dinner on monday.
Any Movement: I dont think so,  im pretty sure its just gas
Cravings: Well I realized that theres something wrong with the fact that everyday for the past 4 months Ive gone to Orange Julius for a mango smoothie. There friggin 5 bucks a wack! But theyre so worth it. I guess thats my only "craving"
What I miss: Nothing yet, but i will miss little Tootsie girl sitting on my lap. I love it when she curls up with me on the couch, but 45lbs is starting to get heavy on my lap, soon she'll be resting her head on a huge belly!
What Im looking forward to: Definitley more footrubs!
Things that have changed: I cant wait for the weather to get cool again. This 95 degree heat wave is making me real bitchy.

Stay tuned.....belly bump pictures are coming!

Friday, August 27, 2010

"Whats the name of your lawyer?"

So first lets discuss the drs visit. The dr was a bit of a wackjob, Jon loves him. I havent warmed up to him yet. The SNH OBGYN office encourages you to meet all of the drs in the office, so that a stranger isnt the delivery dr. Because they all work a rotation. Anyways. I'll keep it simple. Doc says I fainted bc of some protein deficiency. He says when I feel it coming on again I need to eat a scoop of peanut butter. I forget what the medical term is called.
Since I cannot breastfeed (bc of my meedicine) I asked if there is some way to stop the lactation (ie a shot like the old days) He says no, the shot caused strokes. So I will be in pain for 4 days or so after the babys born, and then it will dry up.
Lastly Jon and I were thinking about going to the Nickelback concert in a month. But those things are so damn loud that sometimes you need earplugs. I thought maybe it was one of those things pregnant people shouldnt do. So I asked and he gave us the go ahead, except I was told to stay away from the moshpits and crowdsurfing. Damn.
One more thing. I weigh 105 wtf is that. Why cant I gain weight? This baby is ridiculous, what pregnant lady loses 1 lb between her first trimester and her 2nd? Im a little disappointed so this weekend (being our 1 yr anniversary tomorow) Jon and I are going on a food crawl. Were making all the stops, we'll weigh in on monday, im hoping for progress.

And now for your reading pleasure:
I was visiting my mothers house with Toots. I was on my way out the door. As I went to step down onto the porch, I stepped sideways on my foot and hear a noise such as "snap" or "pop" or "crack". I screamed and gracefully fell onto the porch. Tootsie was so good she was like mom whats wrong? Thank heavens my brother was home or I wouldve screamed for help on the porch crying in pain, until I realized I had my cell phone in my pocket. So David and Kasey (his gf) came running outside thinking I rolled down the steps and landed in the driveway or something. They saved my life, I was a mess. I thought I needed an ambulance, I made them call Jon at work bc I thought I couldnt walk, I thought they would have to drive me home. I was sure my bone was sticking out and there would be some sort of surgery involved. After laying there for 20 minutes or so, I hobbled my way to the car and made it to work, it was truly a miracle. My brother says I rolled my ankle which apparently he does all hte time during sports games and he has to continue playing through it. Show off.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

All of a sudden im 14 weeks!

So lets get right to it:

Total weight gain/loss: last weigh in I was only up 4 lbs or so.
Sleeping: still sleeping on my belly, hopefully i can manage this for a lil while longer, its the only position i can sleep in.
Best Moment this week: selling the couch in the room formerly known as its emptied out and ready for baby stuff
Any movement: none
Cravings: besides the haunting cravings for deli meat, which i almost succumbed to. The past few weekends have been spent driving to the beach to stuffing my mouth with lobster rolls from Brown's. Save any lectures you may have for me not eating lobster meat, i dont want to hear it. Jon's okay with us having an alien baby who can tell the temperature with the tip of his/hers finger.
Pregnancy signs: (TMI warning) My nipples have been killing me. Thats an under statement. I have to soak them in warm water, or if im not at home, i have to warm them with Heathers heating pad (thanks btw). Thankfully the god awful stinging sensation only lasts about a half hour at most. Since the day i conceived (ok a little exaggeration, but seriously from before i knew i was preggers) i've also had an odd tingling sensation, mostly in my fingers and legs. Its almost like I can feel my blood flowing. Also yesterday I fainted. It was very strange and my only possible explanation is my low blood pressure and my belief that its hereditary, as this happened to my mother in all 4 pregnancies. I will definitely ask the dr at my appointment today.
What I miss: Ham sandwiches <3
What I'm looking forward to: looking pregnant, and buying baby stuff
Milestone: 2nd trimester!!!!!!!!!
Things that have changed: My boobs, and mantown, its been disassembled

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Losing my virginity.

As a blogger that is. So here goes my first post. Jon and I learned we were pregnant on June 15th. We had only been trying since March. The day started with me waking up and peeing on a stick, not really expecting a positive test. Five minutes or so later, I saw the 2 lines on the test and immediatley thought: No way, you gotta be shitten me. I called Jon at work and told him he had to come home, I had to show him something. So Jon thought Tootsie peed on the couch or chewed something or was somehow a bad girl. So he came home about 10 minutes later and walked in the house yelling "What'd you do?" in a stern 'bad girl' tone. When I showed him the test he was....skeptical, I think that says it best. SO he insisted I take a second test, I was Sure it would be negative, as I was always a believer of the it has to-be-morning-pee myth. After I guzzled a ton of water and peed again only because Jon made me. I was elated (to say the least) when I saw the 2nd positive test! We told everyone that day. I have this big-mouth condition, its awful. I really need help.
 And then we went from there...