Friday, August 27, 2010

"Whats the name of your lawyer?"

So first lets discuss the drs visit. The dr was a bit of a wackjob, Jon loves him. I havent warmed up to him yet. The SNH OBGYN office encourages you to meet all of the drs in the office, so that a stranger isnt the delivery dr. Because they all work a rotation. Anyways. I'll keep it simple. Doc says I fainted bc of some protein deficiency. He says when I feel it coming on again I need to eat a scoop of peanut butter. I forget what the medical term is called.
Since I cannot breastfeed (bc of my meedicine) I asked if there is some way to stop the lactation (ie a shot like the old days) He says no, the shot caused strokes. So I will be in pain for 4 days or so after the babys born, and then it will dry up.
Lastly Jon and I were thinking about going to the Nickelback concert in a month. But those things are so damn loud that sometimes you need earplugs. I thought maybe it was one of those things pregnant people shouldnt do. So I asked and he gave us the go ahead, except I was told to stay away from the moshpits and crowdsurfing. Damn.
One more thing. I weigh 105 wtf is that. Why cant I gain weight? This baby is ridiculous, what pregnant lady loses 1 lb between her first trimester and her 2nd? Im a little disappointed so this weekend (being our 1 yr anniversary tomorow) Jon and I are going on a food crawl. Were making all the stops, we'll weigh in on monday, im hoping for progress.

And now for your reading pleasure:
I was visiting my mothers house with Toots. I was on my way out the door. As I went to step down onto the porch, I stepped sideways on my foot and hear a noise such as "snap" or "pop" or "crack". I screamed and gracefully fell onto the porch. Tootsie was so good she was like mom whats wrong? Thank heavens my brother was home or I wouldve screamed for help on the porch crying in pain, until I realized I had my cell phone in my pocket. So David and Kasey (his gf) came running outside thinking I rolled down the steps and landed in the driveway or something. They saved my life, I was a mess. I thought I needed an ambulance, I made them call Jon at work bc I thought I couldnt walk, I thought they would have to drive me home. I was sure my bone was sticking out and there would be some sort of surgery involved. After laying there for 20 minutes or so, I hobbled my way to the car and made it to work, it was truly a miracle. My brother says I rolled my ankle which apparently he does all hte time during sports games and he has to continue playing through it. Show off.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

All of a sudden im 14 weeks!

So lets get right to it:

Total weight gain/loss: last weigh in I was only up 4 lbs or so.
Sleeping: still sleeping on my belly, hopefully i can manage this for a lil while longer, its the only position i can sleep in.
Best Moment this week: selling the couch in the room formerly known as its emptied out and ready for baby stuff
Any movement: none
Cravings: besides the haunting cravings for deli meat, which i almost succumbed to. The past few weekends have been spent driving to the beach to stuffing my mouth with lobster rolls from Brown's. Save any lectures you may have for me not eating lobster meat, i dont want to hear it. Jon's okay with us having an alien baby who can tell the temperature with the tip of his/hers finger.
Pregnancy signs: (TMI warning) My nipples have been killing me. Thats an under statement. I have to soak them in warm water, or if im not at home, i have to warm them with Heathers heating pad (thanks btw). Thankfully the god awful stinging sensation only lasts about a half hour at most. Since the day i conceived (ok a little exaggeration, but seriously from before i knew i was preggers) i've also had an odd tingling sensation, mostly in my fingers and legs. Its almost like I can feel my blood flowing. Also yesterday I fainted. It was very strange and my only possible explanation is my low blood pressure and my belief that its hereditary, as this happened to my mother in all 4 pregnancies. I will definitely ask the dr at my appointment today.
What I miss: Ham sandwiches <3
What I'm looking forward to: looking pregnant, and buying baby stuff
Milestone: 2nd trimester!!!!!!!!!
Things that have changed: My boobs, and mantown, its been disassembled

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Losing my virginity.

As a blogger that is. So here goes my first post. Jon and I learned we were pregnant on June 15th. We had only been trying since March. The day started with me waking up and peeing on a stick, not really expecting a positive test. Five minutes or so later, I saw the 2 lines on the test and immediatley thought: No way, you gotta be shitten me. I called Jon at work and told him he had to come home, I had to show him something. So Jon thought Tootsie peed on the couch or chewed something or was somehow a bad girl. So he came home about 10 minutes later and walked in the house yelling "What'd you do?" in a stern 'bad girl' tone. When I showed him the test he was....skeptical, I think that says it best. SO he insisted I take a second test, I was Sure it would be negative, as I was always a believer of the it has to-be-morning-pee myth. After I guzzled a ton of water and peed again only because Jon made me. I was elated (to say the least) when I saw the 2nd positive test! We told everyone that day. I have this big-mouth condition, its awful. I really need help.
 And then we went from there...