Friday, August 27, 2010

"Whats the name of your lawyer?"

So first lets discuss the drs visit. The dr was a bit of a wackjob, Jon loves him. I havent warmed up to him yet. The SNH OBGYN office encourages you to meet all of the drs in the office, so that a stranger isnt the delivery dr. Because they all work a rotation. Anyways. I'll keep it simple. Doc says I fainted bc of some protein deficiency. He says when I feel it coming on again I need to eat a scoop of peanut butter. I forget what the medical term is called.
Since I cannot breastfeed (bc of my meedicine) I asked if there is some way to stop the lactation (ie a shot like the old days) He says no, the shot caused strokes. So I will be in pain for 4 days or so after the babys born, and then it will dry up.
Lastly Jon and I were thinking about going to the Nickelback concert in a month. But those things are so damn loud that sometimes you need earplugs. I thought maybe it was one of those things pregnant people shouldnt do. So I asked and he gave us the go ahead, except I was told to stay away from the moshpits and crowdsurfing. Damn.
One more thing. I weigh 105 wtf is that. Why cant I gain weight? This baby is ridiculous, what pregnant lady loses 1 lb between her first trimester and her 2nd? Im a little disappointed so this weekend (being our 1 yr anniversary tomorow) Jon and I are going on a food crawl. Were making all the stops, we'll weigh in on monday, im hoping for progress.

And now for your reading pleasure:
I was visiting my mothers house with Toots. I was on my way out the door. As I went to step down onto the porch, I stepped sideways on my foot and hear a noise such as "snap" or "pop" or "crack". I screamed and gracefully fell onto the porch. Tootsie was so good she was like mom whats wrong? Thank heavens my brother was home or I wouldve screamed for help on the porch crying in pain, until I realized I had my cell phone in my pocket. So David and Kasey (his gf) came running outside thinking I rolled down the steps and landed in the driveway or something. They saved my life, I was a mess. I thought I needed an ambulance, I made them call Jon at work bc I thought I couldnt walk, I thought they would have to drive me home. I was sure my bone was sticking out and there would be some sort of surgery involved. After laying there for 20 minutes or so, I hobbled my way to the car and made it to work, it was truly a miracle. My brother says I rolled my ankle which apparently he does all hte time during sports games and he has to continue playing through it. Show off.

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