Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Babies" the documentary

Im sorry Oprah, but you're crazy, this movie/documentary was nothing close to "A-maz-ing!"

I was horrified watching the babies in Namibia and Mongolia. I almost had to close my eyes in some parts because I was scared to death. For those that havent seen it, here are some highlights (Long!):

The Namibian mom wiped her baby's poo onto her leg and then brushed it off with some caveman tool. The worst part was the baby was allowed to chew on what looked like the bones of a decayed animal. I understand its not a developed part of the world, but the baby putting the bones in its mouth should not have been allowed, even in 3000 B.C.!

The worst scenes went to the Mongolian baby. I think the herd of cattle would have done a better job raising that child than that mother was doing. First of all i understand why the unsupervised infant was tied to the bed and left alone, this is so that monkeys cant come into the house and take the babies (which apparently happened recently in Malaysia) anyways. However, when the rooster jumped up on the bed I was praying I wouldnt see the rooster peck the (again unsupervised) baby to death in front of me. Now I also dont agree with tying the unsupervised few month old baby to the foot of the bed and leaving a roll of toilet paper within reach for the baby to eat.

How about when the baby was sitting in the bowl by the window and the cattle with the huge horns came up to the baby, I was petrified it was going to be mauled in front me. Or when the wobbly baby was standing on the tree stump, I just kept saying omg, omg, he's gonna fall backwards and break his neck, someone get him off there. Even the cattle new it was dumb, they came running over, im sure they were thinking "hello, put the camera down and get the baby off the stump". Finally the baby is left in a carriage in the meadow with nooone around and he's standing up. I had to turn my head bc my stomach was turning, and sure as shit the kid tips the carriage over and falls out! Where are these parents? And why did this cameraman not stop this?

Honest to God any concerns I may have had about not being able to provide for this baby or, not know what Im doing, went right out the window after seeing this!

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